For all editorial enquiries please contact Sara Gregson email:

Consider which products to use when treating cattle for parasites this winter

3rd December 2020

Robert Smith, director at Farm First Vets, Abergavenny and a member of the Control of Worms Sustainably (COWS) steering group, urges farmers to consider the effect treatments they give for internal parasites at housing might also be having on skin parasites. “Most cattle producers apply a pour-on macrocyclic lactone (ML) anthelmintic at, or just after … Continued

Advice on autumn liver fluke control in cattle for RAMAs and vets

14th September 2020

As fluke risk can vary considerably from year to year, between regions and even between neighbouring farms, every farm needs to be considered individually. We strongly advise RAMAs and Veterinarians to recommend diagnostic testing for liver fluke before treating. This will allow you to tailor the best control advice to each farm, which product to … Continued

Test before treating sheep for liver fluke this autumn

14th September 2020

This year has highlighted that there is no typical year for fluke. With a very dry spring in some regions followed by a wet summer, the timing of peak fluke risk this year could be different from normal and different across the country. Reports of cases of fluke have started to come in from some … Continued

New study highlights huge cost of worms to UK cattle farmers

17th August 2020

Roundworms, liver fluke and lungworm are costing UK livestock producers £270 million in lost production and treatment expenditure every year, according to a new study to be published in the journal Preventive Veterinary Medicine. The study examined the economic burden of major parasitic worm infections on livestock across 18 European countries. At the sector level, … Continued

New Guidance from COWS – Integrated Parasite Control

10th June 2020

The Control of Worms Sustainably in cattle (COWS) group has published the final chapter in its updated Guide, bringing together key technical messages from other new chapters on roundworms, lungworm, liver and rumen fluke and ectoparasites. The Guide sits at the core of the COWS initiative – outlining the latest science relating to parasite control … Continued

Liver fluke update from COWS and SCOPS

12th May 2020

Last winter may have seen a relatively low incidence of fluke across the UK, but there are still individual farms reporting problems with chronic fluke in sheep warn SCOPS/COWS experts. Whilst the UK may be on lockdown due to COVID-19, livestock farmers are warned that liver fluke is carrying on as normal. Despite the relatively … Continued